MycoCulture Archive Search Tips
- Under construction.
Thank you for your patience.
- Bookmarking any of the computer generated index or article pages may be unreliable. The program is using dynamically
generated filenames, which may change from day to day.
This is a bug and will be corrected soon.
- The keyword search engine is still not very smart. The program only searches for articles which contain -all- of the given "INCLUDE" words. There is no 'OR' operator yet. This is a big bug and will be corrected soon.
- Search is not case sensitive. Uppercase and lowercase letters are handled as equals. This is a feature.
- Search is not limited to whole words.
Example, search "ROOM" will match on both "mushroom" and "grow room".
- Search is not limited by keyword sequence. There is no way yet to search for a phrase.
Example, search "GROW ROOM" will match on both "growing mushrooms" and "room to grow".
This is a bug and might even be corrected someday.
- email bugreports to
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